Divided Jerusalem

Al Jazeera takes you through a brief tour of East Jerusalem - with a mostly Palestinian population - and West Jerusalem, which is entirely Jewish, to highlight the disparity in infrastructure and quality of life for Israelis and Palestinians.

Jaffa Street

While many parts of West Jerusalem resemble any European city, East Jerusalem looks like a large, underdeveloped refugee camp.

Salah el-din Street

Palestinians in Jerusalem make up close to 40 percent of the city’s population.
They live in East Jerusalem, where Israel deliberately avoids investing in infrastructure and services.

Mahane Yehuda Market

The discrimination also exists on the bureaucratic level. If you’re a Jew born in Jerusalem, you automatically receive Israeli citizenship.

Old City Market

If you’re a Palestinian born in Jerusalem, you receive residency status and a temporary Jordanian passport. The latter serves as nothing more than a travel document.

Emek Refaim

While West Jerusalem has 1,000 public parks, East Jerusalem has 45. And while West Jerusalem has 26 public libraries, East Jerusalem has two.

Ras al-amud

More than 140,000 Palestinian residents of Jerusalem have been physically separated from the city by a 700-kilometre concrete wall, which Israel started building in 2002.

Yemin Moshe

During the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine, the Palestinians who lived in West Jerusalem were either expelled to East Jerusalem or the West Bank or left the country.


In East Jerusalem, Roads are narrow and unpaved in many places; sidewalks end abruptly, and there is a severe shortage of sanitation.


Some of the homes of West Jerusalem that remained intact during 1948 still bear Arabic inscriptions, testifying to their original owners.


While Israel allowed thousands of Jews to move into settlements in East Jerusalem, not a single Palestinian has been allowed to return to their home in West Jerusalem.

Central Bus Station

Transportation remains highly segregated for Israelis and Palestinians in Jerusalem. West Jerusalem has a central bus station complete with an indoor mall and security checks.

Sultan Suliman St.

In East Jerusalem, three open-air bus depots constitute the only central bus station.

Al Aqsa Mosque Compond

The Old City, located in East Jerusalem, is at the heart of the conflict and occupation. It is also a major tourist and pilgrimage site for people from all over the world.

Western Wall

The Old City's significance gives Israel more reason to entrench its 51-year-old occupation of East Jerusalem and control over the Old City, which has been designated a World Heritage site by the United Nations.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Although Israel claims Jerusalem as its undivided capital, the realities for those who live there cannot be more different.

While Palestinians live under apartheid-like conditions, Jewish Israelis enjoy a sense of normality, guaranteed for them by their state.